How I Learned the Power of Mindset

I would love to be your coach. I would love to be like your personal trainer who helps an athlete win the “gold medal” – not just be in the race.  I will help you use the power of your mind to help you design the life and business you want, to bring out your own brilliance and resources so that you can achieve excellence and create a purposeful and extraordinary life.

Why not start by reaching out to me directly? You can send an email to, or pick up the phone and call me at 303-834-5040. Don’t let fear or hesitation hold you back from making the changes you deserve. is great power in the mind, and clearing subconscious blocks shifts the mindset and achieves goals.

I stood on the scale today and weighed 115 lbs. A far cry from the 265 lbs I weighed at 16. I climbed a 15,800 ft Mountain last year on my way to Machu Picchu. When I was 16, I could barely walk up two flights of stairs. I used the power of my mind by learning hypnosis then and hypnotized myself to let go of 150 lbs in a year. That is the moment that my journey as a coach began. I learned the power of mindset and how it can transform your life. I graduated from Berkerly with a degree in Clinical Psychology and later got a Masters in Social Work. After working in a couple of nonprofits, I became a psychotherapist. Over the years I continued to be fascinated by meditation, hypnosis and other mindful states. I did numerous training and certifications and integrated it into my psychotherapy practice. I loved psychotherapy but over the course of time out grew the model. I wanted to work in a more empowering way with people.

In 2008 I discovered coaching and realized that it was my real life calling. I did the basic International Coach Federation training and then pioneered and got accredited to a new branch of hypnosis called hypnotic coaching. Hypnotic coaching goes beyond problem solving and co-creates a life for you that is purposeful and focused. I will help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your profession and personal life! I am Zoilita Grant. Please contact me for a commentary strategy session on how I can help you. Change Your Mind and Change Your Life! It worked for me will work for you!

Are you ready to step into a life of extraordinary success? Dare to Dream! I am here to help you make it happen!

Hypnotic coaching is customized coaching specifically designed to help you break free from the barriers holding you back. I am here to guide you in this  6 month coaching journey of transformation and personal growth.

Fast track your success schedule a 30 min breakthrough session